Airbus Alongside Rockwell Collins Evolve To The Newest Security Innovation

Posted on July 26, 2017 John Jones

Avionics experts Rockwell Collins have teamed up with Airbus to apply their newest form of security system. The system is being said to be applied from here on out on the A350 and A380 model.  This innovative security system has been created to send messages automatically to grounded authorities in case of a malfunction of the aircraft. Sources at Rockwell have stated that if the system where to be triggered their position frequency would be enhanced up to every 60 seconds appose to the standard 15-minute period. The system will be transmitted with ACARs aircraft equipment to the ground “receivers.” Not only will the system be able to track the aircrafts position but other important stats that pertain to their exact location such as airspeed, altitude, and engine performance.

This newer system can not only be used on the A350 and A380 models but are also available to the A320, A330, and the A380 models as well. Not only can this system be applied to the newer aircrafts but are available as an upgrade to the airline operational controlling software.

Much of the reason of the newer system being implemented into these newer aircrafts is because Rockwell believes that it is vital to the know the status of a malfunctioning aircraft to try and avoid any possible disasters. According to Senior Vice President of the Rockwell Collins company, he believes that "The ability to automatically and instantaneously identify a possible issue can provide a significant advantage for airline operators interested in tracking their aircraft.” 

Jet Parts 360 is committed to be the best possible choice for all your aircraft part needs. Dedicated to make your logistics stream line as fast as possible to be to benefit our customers. 360 offers parts from leading manufactures such as Rockwell Collins and Airbus. All our parts have been tested and placed under warranty to guarantee satisfaction every time.   For a better idea of what Jet Parts 360 has to offer visit our website at For instant RFQs give us a call at +1-714-705-4780 | FAX: +1-708-688-9228 or email us at |


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