Posted on April 16, 2018 John Jones
In this article we will be breaking down the different types of turbo jet engines and how they function. To start off, lets go over the basics. A jet engine works by forcing compressed air through the system and igniting it by mixing the compressed air with fuel. The air then becomes hot and that is what powers the engine. When all mechanisms are running smoothly this successfully produces an airborne plane and an optimal amount of thrust. All turbo jets are considered reactionary meaning the production of energy is simply a reaction to the internal workings.
When looking at different styles of turbo jet engines you will find the turboprop jet engine, turbofan jet engine, turboshaft engine and the ramjet. The turboprop has the same innerworkings but with the addition of a aircraft propeller part. This design is best suited to smaller planes and can be extremely fuel efficient.
The Turbofan has, just as the name might suggest, an added fan. This fan allows the air to circle around the outside of the engine. This produced a much quieter plane and a plan that can cruise at lower speeds more efficiently. The turboshaft is what is inside most helicopters. It is smaller and has more control so that the helicopter can fly in the most efficient way possible.
Lastly, there is the ramjet. This is the most basic jet engine. There are no extra parts or fancy additions to this engine. The whole thing operates by forced air. A simple yet effective mechanic.